Our small business is a social enterprise based in the Illawarra and operates as a community service. We have a huge network around Australia, bringing together families within the Down syndrome community, sharing their stories and inspiration.
We dream of a world where no family should feel isolated, unsupported or pressured to terminate based on a diagnosis of Down syndrome.
We are known for our gorgeous photo book projects and beautiful #celebratet21giftpacks which we GIFT to families receiving a pre or postnatal diagnosis of Down syndrome. Our hope is to provide all families with a new diagnosis of Down syndrome in Australia with our very special gift pack, which welcomes them into the supportive Celebrate T21 community. After all, you're having a baby and a baby should always be congratulated!
Since launching in 2017, we’ve created three beautiful photo books which celebrate the lives and experiences of families who have a member with Down syndrome through wonderful photos and heartfelt stories. Our first book was published in 2018, and we published a UK version for British charity Wouldn’t Change a Thing in 2019. In 2021 our 3rd was published and September 2023 we launched our latest book officated by the Mister for Health, Hon. Ryan Park.