Grayson is our little warrior. At 3 1/2 years of age he has been through more than what most will in their lifetime. His 1st heart surgery was at 8 weeks of age where we spent 8 weeks in hospital. 1 week shy of his 1st birthday Grayson had his first of many Open heart surgeries. 1 week later we nearly lost him when he had life saving surgery to remove most of his bowel. We then spent a further 6 weeks in hospital. Fast forward to now and he is the most energetic, cheeky, loving, gentle toddler who is meeting his milestones at his own pace and teaching us all along the way what determination and patience is really about. He truly has changed our lives for the better and shown us that going that little bit slower and enjoying the scenic route really can be a joy to witness.
Written by Julia, Grayson's Mum