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Ellen Huggins
Oct 1, 20222 min read
Letters to Me: Dear Katrina
Dear Trin, Pregnant with triplets, you always knew she was going to be different. There was that feeling deep down inside, maternal...
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Ellen Huggins
Feb 17, 20222 min read
2022 Ambassador: Aidan Musa Koddus
Musa He was born on 14 April 2017 via emergency c section when the doctors struggled to find his heartbeat. Shortly after birth the...
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Ellen Huggins
Sep 6, 20213 min read
Letters to Me: Dear Lisa
Oh hey you! I have been pondering for weeks about how and what to write to you. After all, we are still fairly new at this, the beginning...
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Ellen Huggins
Sep 6, 20212 min read
Letters to Me: Dear Ellen
Hey you, You did it! After a seemingly endless uneasy labour she is here, safe and sound sleeping sweetly in your arms unaware of all the...
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Ellen Huggins
Sep 6, 20213 min read
Letters to Me: Dear Jennifer
Dear Anna (9), Macy (7) and Kira (5), When we received Owen’s diagnosis at four days old, our immediate thoughts were of you, his...
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Ellen Huggins
Sep 6, 20214 min read
Letters to Me: Dear Melanie
Dear New Mumma, Earlier that day, you were elated at seeing your beautiful baby during your 20 week ultrasound, he was the most gorgeous...
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