A Letter to Me,
My beautiful daughter Adia, you are almost 9 years old and I wish somebody had told me…..
As I cried my eyes out alone after the first doctors mentioned the possibility of down syndrome and heart problems. I cried and begged that you would have a heart issue but not down syndrome because your heart could be fixed but there was no “fix” for down syndrome.
I wish I knew that you didn’t need to be fixed.
My beautiful, strong daughter Adia you are almost 9 years old and I wish somebody had told me……
As the doctors talked to me of all the things that could be wrong with you; heart problems, stomach problems risks of cancer, intellectual disability, learning difficulty and on and on.
I wish I had known that your strength and determination would see you through every battle, every curveball that life could throw at you and I didn’t need to surround us with negativity.
My beautiful, strong, loving daughter Adia; you are almost 9 years old and I wish somebody had told me……
As I worried about the impacts of down syndrome on your twin sister and your older brothers and how we would “cope”.
I wish I had known that your love and empathy would be beyond measure and you would bond our family together in ways that could not be foreseen.
My beautiful, strong, loving, joyful daughter Adia; you are almost 9 years old and I wish somebody had told me……
In those early days when I felt isolated and alone, stuck in hospital for weeks and weeks, wondering how our lives could ever possibly be normal again.
I wish I had known that not only would we not be alone but we would now be on a new journey that would see us make friends within Australia and all over the world. Our new family and support network would be welcoming, joyful and supportive beyond belief.
My beautiful, strong, loving, joyful, determined daughter Adia; you are almost 9 years old and I wish somebody had told me…….
As I worried if you would learn, as I worried how you would learn, as I worried if you could keep pace with your siblings and your peers, if you could attend playgroups, kinder school or if you would be forever behind, forever struggling to keep up.
I wish I had known that none of our journeys should be compared. We are all on our own paths and we should follow your lead Adia and find joy in each and every achievement, more so because you sometimes have to work so much harder. Your life can be lived without limits at your own pace.
My beautiful, strong, loving, joyful, determined, amazing daughter Adia; you are almost 9 years old and I wish somebody had told me……
When I worried If I was strong enough to be your mum, if I could overcome negativity, if I could battle the stereotypes, if I could advocate for you against systemic discrimination.
I wish I had known that hell yes I am strong enough. That this new life journey we find ourselves on will show me strength that I might otherwise never have realised I had. What’s more whenever I need help or support our amazing support network and extended T21 family will always be there for us.
My beautiful, strong, loving, joyful, determined, amazing and fearless daughter Adia; you are almost 9 years old and I wish I could have told me…..
Ignore the negative, get rid of the worry, live life to the full because no Dr, specialist or preconceived stereotype can come close to predicting just how fabulous you will be or the path you will take in life; but you my beautiful, strong, loving, joyful, determined amazing and fearless daughter…… you will show me
Your Older and wiser self
Written by Nicola, Ambassador Adia's Mum